The first brevet in India was a 200 KM event conducted in Mumbai on 31st Jan 2010. In August 2010, Divya Tate of Pune Randonneurs took the lead in organizing Brevets, starting with India’s first overnight Brevets,
a 400-km BRM in August, followed by a 600-km BRM in September 2010.
After PBP 2011, Audax India Randonneurs (AIR) started overseeing Randonneuring events in India under the national representation of Divya Tate. The activity of Randonneuring, or self-supported long-distance rides, has grown immensely through
the efforts of volunteer randonneurs who manage clubs across the country
I had started cycling 4 yrs back with the intention of riding 3 days in a week. later on came to know reg Brevets de Randonneurs Mondiaux (BRMs). Its almost self supported ride to be completed in given time. Initially I was not knowing exactly how to train.
I didn’t saw any you tube or took any guidance. I just started cycling by riding 3 kms. Later on did 30/40/75 kms.
Later on came to know such events are conducted by Nagpur club. I did my first 200 BRM on puncture hybrid, no experience of tube changing or reparing puncture. After completion of 200 BRM did 300/400/600 kms of BRMs and became
SR. Then keep on doing BRM and became 5 time Super Randoneeur.